I help women like you discover who you are, what you want out of your one life, and the actions to take for you to have THAT fulfilling life.

Are you ready to start designing and living your best life? The choice is yours.

I help women like you discover who you are, what you want out of your one life, and the actions to take for you to have THAT fulfilling life.

Are you ready to start designing and living your best life? The choice is yours.

Are you tired of just going through the motions? Letting life happen to you? Knowing down deep there must be something more to your life?

Have you spent all of your time helping others go out into the world to live their best lives and neglected your own?

Tell me if this sounds about right….You having been taking care of children and parents and neglected yourself along the way. You no longer know what you want. It’s been so long since you have even had the time to consider what you want, you have forgotten how. You get to the end of your day and you just don’t know where the time went and how you spent it. You are going through the motions and doing the things you “have” to do with no feeling of personal accomplishment.

You feel lost, disconnected, and like the best part of your life is over. Part of you knows there should be more to your life but you have no idea how to get there.

What if I told you there is a way to design the next chapter of your life to be the best part of your life?

Would you be curious, interested in hearing how?

Using my design to thrive, I have seen so many women go from feeling lost and without a clear next purpose to hopeful, excited, and fulfilled.

Women who were floating through life, taking whatever others were willing to give them are now intentionally thinking about what they want, setting boundaries for how they want to be treated, and taking daily intentional, imperfect action toward the lives they want to lead. They are no longer limited by negative self-beliefs and self-talk. They are driven by what they value and what they want their lives to be about.

This could be you.

I can help you get there.

There is hope!

Well I wouldn’t really call it just hope. There is hope and an actual plan!

Hi, I’m Kathryn Ely. I’m a licensed counselor and a Purpose & Productivity Coach.

I’ve been where you are, floating through life, letting life just happen to me.

Both when I was a lawyer and a stay-at-home mom, I put all of my thoughts and energy into helping my children and husband go out into the world and live their best lives. I went so long without asking what I wanted, that I forgot how to ask. Through my education to become a licensed counselor, I went through a journey of self-discovery. I not only found myself and my next purpose, but through my personal experience and work with so many clients, I have designed a formula to take you to your best life.

This formula has helped me and my clients, discover the lives we really want and take the daily intentional and imperfect action necessary to get us there.

I would not go back to my former way of living my life for all of the money in the world. I’m not talking about my time spent caring for others. I love my family and value them more than ever.

I’m talking about what I do for myself. I’m talking about how I value myself, listen to myself, treat myself. I only have this one life and I am now loving exactly how I am living it!

My purpose in this chapter of my life is to help you make this chapter of your life the best one so far. Start now with your Blueprint to Thrive Quick Start.

I am a former lawyer, and stay at home mom.

Two of my three children were close to going off to college and I suddenly felt scared and lost. I knew I needed something else in my life-my next purpose, my one thing separate from everyone else. I went back to school and earned a Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health. I have a counseling & coaching practice in Birmingham, Alabama. I specialize in helping women discover their next purpose and the actions necessary to achieve this fulfilling next chapter. In counseling, I focus on helping teens and adults with anxiety. It is through my background in counseling that I learned how to coach women through self-discovery, overcoming their self-limiting beliefs, and understanding what actions are necessary to get them exactly where they want to go.

I have enjoyed being married to my husband for 25 years even though I vowed I would never date anyone from law school. We share three, strong-willed, and beautifully different from each other children, and two of the sweetest labs ever, Otis & Cooper.

Start Today!

Make this next part of your life the best part of your life by signing up for your BLUEPRINT TO THRIVE Quick Start. If you take this first step, I will be right there with you the rest of the way.

Stop living a life full of regret. Free yourself from perfection.

Start your free Progress over perfection workshop right here.

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